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July 6, 2025 we will Lord's Supper
Please Pray For....

Varney Family
Cole and Turley families for loss of Robert Cole.
Nevils Family
Our children, college students, teachers, faculty and staff for a successful school year.
Our military family: Sam McCall, Victor Richardson

Upcoming/Recovery from Surgery, Procedures, Hospitalization, Illness
Bro. Henry & Sis. Jessie Shelby
Bro. Charles & Sis. Brenda Combs
Bro. Everett & Sis. Mary Talbert
Bro. Darnell & Sis. Brenda Crenshaw
Sis. Taylor Lewis
Sis. Rhonda & Sis. Ella Cole
Al & Charlene Taylor
Baptism - Soli Deo Gloria
If you feel the Holy Spirit working in you and you are ready to profess your faith in Jesus Christ, you may tell Pastor Travis, a Deacon, Trustee, or any member of First Baptist Maddoxtown of your desire to become a candidate for baptism.

At First Baptist Maddoxtown we are proud of the achievements of our children, members and families. Contrary to what is shown on TV and social media this reminds us that, as a people, we are excelling, making a difference and working for a positive, productive future. Each Sunday, we set aside time to applaud these achievements.
Take a look at what they're doing then congratulate and encourage them.

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