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Homeless Bag Project


Scripture tells us about the importance of unity and building up the Body of Christ when you're placed in a role within the church.  It also mentions that a church is to have a sense of community inside and outside of the church, as well as serve like our Lord Jesus Christ did (Ephesians 4:10-13; Mark 10:45).

Here at First Baptist Maddoxtown we can serve our community by helping those who are in less fortunate situations AS us. Jesus showed this form of compassion by focusing on the poor as well as those who were considered outcasts, like tax collectors and sinners (Matthew 9:10; Proverbs 19:17; Proverbs 28:27)

Helping the homeless is a beautiful way to build upon our sense of community within the church as well as prepare us for more serving this upcoming year.  Please note that helping the homeless is NOT an act to get recognition, but an act of kindness and love centered around the characteristics of Christ.  

​What Is The Homeless Bag Project?


A church-led project spearheaded by the Women's ministry involving making bags filled with essential items for the homeless during this winter season. 

Bags will be distributed throughout Lexington, surrounding areas, or wherever a member travels to ensure that an individual receives their individualized bag. 

How do we prepare the bags?


  • First..​​

    • Click here to see the homeless bag list and decide what you would be willing to provide (If not on the list that's fine)

    • Write down on the sign-up sheet: Your name and items you are supplying 

  • Then…​

    • Grab three bags to start.  Once delivered, you will receive another set of three.

    • Personalize the bag 

    • Take and go!


When will this take place?


December 15th–February 9th  


Is there a deadline?

No, but try to get the majority of the items in before February 9th so we can start handing them out as soon as possible! 


***If you know of someone who would also enjoy helping this winter or need an extra copy of the items list, please contact Jamacia Neal @ 502 542 2231

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