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  • Sunday School @9 am, In-person and live on Facebook
  • Sunday Morning worship @ 10 am, In-person and live on Facebook
  • Prayer meeting Wednesdays @ 7pm followed by Bible study @ 7:30 pm, In-person and live on Facebook

Prior to attending service:  


  • If you have been diagnosed with COVID19 or have any of the following symptoms, please do not attempt to come. 

    • fever or chills (temperature of 100 or higher)

    • cough

    • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    • fatigue

    • muscle or body aches

    • headache

    • new loss of taste or smell

    • sore throat

    • congestion or runny nose

    • diarrhea

    • nausea or vomiting

  • These symptoms may be a sign of COVID infection, but these also could mean you have a different illness. Call your primary care provider if you have questions or think you were in contact with someone who had COVID.  


Attending services:  


  • Health and safety of all in attendance is of primary concern to us. We adhere to CDC, state, local and our own membership health status to determine our safety practices related to health threats.  At this time masks are not required, but encouraged if anyone would feel better wearing one.  All in attendance should be respectful to those who choose to wear or not to wear a mask. We will continue to monitor temperatures and have attendees sign in to allow quick notification should a health threat arise from attendance at a particular time.

  • Upon arrival, take your temperature by scanning your forehead or wrist on the temperature scanner in the vestibule. Then, sign your name and record the temperature on the sign-in sheet provided.  If you have a temperature of 100 degrees or greater you should leave the building and not enter the sanctuary. 

  • For worship, the ushers will seat everyone from front to back.  Maximum capacity will be determined and adhered to, if necessary.​

  • Tithe and offering should be placed in the collection box located on the wall as you enter the sanctuary.  As an added measure of safety, we also ask that you not seal the envelope prior to placing it in the collection box.  

  • When service is over, we ask that everyone pick up any items brought or used during service, such as kleenex, wrappers, etc, and throw them away on your way out.  The ushers will dismiss everyone from back to front.  We all like to greet one another and socialize after service,  but we ask that everyone exit immediately to the parking lot so that the building can be sanitized. 

  • Only the sanctuary and restroom areas will be accessible.  There will be no congregating in the back.  The basement will be off-limits.

  • We will enter and exit through our front doors only. The back and basement doors will only be used in case of emergency. 


Additional Information:


  • We will continue streaming live on Facebook for anyone unable to attend in person. Conversation and movement must be limited during this time to eliminate excess noise picked up by the microphones. 

  • Services are streamed live, recorded and posted on our Facebook page and our website.  In-person attendees should be aware that you may possibly be seen by anyone watching during the live service or the posted recordings. 


​Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to ensure the safety of our members, visitors, and facility.  Adjustments will be made as needed.  Please continue to pray for our church. 

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