A Wide Range of Initiatives
Good ushering does many good things for Christ and His Church. One of the things it does is prepare people for worship. This includes meeting and seating the visitor and regular worshipper, providing hymnals and bulletins, and helping create an atmosphere of worship.
Ushering helps maintain order. In most instances, Sunday School precedes the morning worship, and in the evening, training union precedes the Sunday evening worship During the brief break between services, often confusion breaks out. The usher’s wisdom and ability in handling the shifting groups can contribute much.
Good ushering is good public relations. The worshipper forms his first impressions of a congregation from his contact with those he meets in the vestibule. These impressions are important not only from the standpoint of the reputation of the church, but also because good impressions assist the worshipper in receiving the most from the service.
Ushers are members from children to seniors having a passion for serving and welcoming others. Ushers must be able to stand for long periods of time and enjoy greeting and seating people.
Becoming an Usher
For information about becoming an Usher, contact the ministry president.
Ronald McDonald House meals for a day.